The problem

The physics curriculum has become quite loaded due to the wish to transmit a large amount of information. Moreover, in many cases physics is taught in a formal, non-intuitive, theoretical, discursive manner, rarely using experiments, so students are no longer able to understand what is going on in the classroom. As a consequence many students consider physics one of the most difficult subjects in school.

The solutions found

One of the most effective ways to get students to better understand natural phenomena studied physics classes is IBL (Inquiry Based Learning). A student learns through inquiry when, faced with a problem, they carefully investigate the data and the causal relationships, and manage to find the best solution. An important role is played here the cooperative learning. The method is based on student-centered learning. IBL was introduced in the teaching of exact sciences in countries that are now given as examples of good practice (Germany, Portugal, Poland).
As part of the Physics Different project, the teacher becomes a facilitator of knowledge and a student’s partner in learning. More specifically, in teaching any subject in the physical curriculum, the teacher starts by asking students a question/challenging problem (“cognitive conflict”). During the lessons, the teacher does not give students the answer to the question or the explanation of the phenomenon under discussion from the beginning, but only helps them to find it in their own. Students have a major role in discovering the explanation of the physical phenomenon discussed. Teachers also activate the prior, naive and pre-scientific knowledge of students. This way of teaching leads to a deeper understanding of the phenomena (- a depth learning takes place) that is also used in day-to-day thinking processes.


The method of teaching described above not only leads to the revival of children’s interest in natural sciences, but also to the awakening of their curiosity towards the surrounding world. Moreover, most of the students that are learning in this way also succeed in understanding the relevance to the everyday life of the subjects studied in the science classes.
On the other hand, this way of teaching leads to the development of skills that are of great importance in the current economy: critical thinking, creativity, initiative, non-standard problem solving, risk assessment, decision-making. The memorization and use of simple, repetitive procedures have become secondary in many jobs. Not to mention that, nowadays, and adult person is changing their specialization in the active life 3 or 4 times.

Personal mi-am folosit gândirea mai mult poate decât în tot restul săptămânii, deci am învățat și am reținut mult mai mult decât în oricare altă oră

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